
If there is any news, it is now posted on the Literary Veganism site

6 January 2021. The journal will cease regular publication this month but continue as an online venue at this site for some publication. Please see the revised About tab.

30 December 2019. We've created a sister journal, Literary Veganism, and are looking for quality submissions of literary essays, creative non-fiction, fiction, or poetry. Consult the About and Submissions tabs at the site, Here

January 2019. Latest issue of the ASEBL Journal with an essay on supporting ape rights and expert commentaries. Here.

31 January 2018. Latest issue of the ASEBL Journal, featuring revised papers from the Moral Sense Colloquium III as well as invited comments, on the St. Francis College website, here. 

21 December 2016. Elsewhere on this site: 1. Call for Moral Sense Colloquium III, 2 June 2017 at St. Francis College, Brooklyn, N.Y.; 2. Call for guest posts concerning the state of ethics and morality under a new American president.

17 January 2015. Sixth International Conference on Consciousness, Theatre, Literature and the Arts at St. Francis College, N.Y., 10-12 June 2015. Complete information and details here: 

17 January 2015. The January 2015 issue of the ASEBL Journal can be found here: 

27 September 2014. Making Mind: Moral Sense and Consciousness to be soon published by Rodopi/Brill. Information here:

13 January 2013. The latest issue of ASEBL Journal is now available via the St. Francis College website (direct link below). This issue (January 2014) features articles by Sarah Giragosian (on Elizabeth Bishop), Tom Dolack (on Dostoevsky), and Ben Irvine (on David Cooper). There is a review essay by Eric Luttrell (Braintrust by Patricia Churchland) as well as other book reviews.

17 September 2013. ASEBL Journal is now a member of the Council of Editors of Learned Journals.

17 September 2013. We are in the process of having the ASEBL Journal indexed in the MLA International Bibliography and included in the MLA Directory of Periodicals.

14 September 2013. Submissions for the January 2014 issue are CLOSED. We have already begun work on layout and copy editing for the January '14 issue. Any submissions received from this point on will be considered for the January 2015 issue.

31 January 2013. Puzzles of Faith and Patterns of Doubt: Short Stories and Poems - a literary anthology - was published by Editions Bibliotekos.

14 December 2012. The editors are now looking for articles to fill our January 2014 issue. Please go to the About tab on this site for the aims, scope, and guidelines of the journal.

14 December 2012. The January 2013 issue of ASEBL is available. Go to the About tab for links.

25 October 2012. Working toward completion of the January 2013 issue. Preliminary layout is done, and we are now in the proofreading stages (working with the interns). The About section of the site/journal has been modified (to clarify some language about mission, goals, and submissions).

15 August 2012. We have finished sending ASEBL issues to EBSCO Host for inclusion in their Humanities Source database. Except for some very early issues (when ASEBL was closer to a newsletter), everything from volume 4.1 (Fall 2008) through 8.1 (January 2012) has been submitted. We are not sure how long the conversion will take. Of course all future issues will be included in the database.

29 April 2012. Join us in congratulating John Guzlowski. His story, “Wooden Trunk from Buchenwald” (first published in COMMON BOUNDARY: Stories of Immigration by Editions Bibliotekos, our sister site) has been selected by Pearson Longman (a global publisher) to be reprinted in an upcoming anthology with a print run of 200,000 copies.

24 March 2012. Since ASEBL will be included in a major database, we are setting up an editorial board. All future submissions will be peer-reviewed.

20 March 2012. ASEBL Journal is scheduled (upcoming issues) to be included in Humanities Source, a mega database of EBSCO Host.

Moral Sense Colloquium at St. Francis College, 26 April 2012. Contact the editor, Gregory F. Tague for details.

"Humans are bipolar apes. We have something of the gentle, sexy bonobo . . . And our species also has something of the brutal, domineering chimpanzee . . ." (Frans de Waal, The Age of Empathy).

Being Human: Call of the Wild has been published by Editions Bibliotekos. Worth reading if you are at this site, since the stories (15) have been culled from over 1,000 pages to reflect (in the true conversation of a good anthology) some of the evolutionary themes we contemplate.

Our sister, Editions Bibliotekos, is on the brink of publishing a fourth anthology - Being Human: Call of the Wild. Make sure to pick up your copy. Twelve authors and fifteen short stories. (More information, when available, will appear on

We have begun receiving and publishing guest posts - thank you all. We will list them on the page, Popular Posts.

There is a special issue upcoming (December 2011) on the charge, by George Orwell, of plagiarism against Charles Dickens. Written in an engaging, witty, and entertaining style by Dr. George S. Swan. This issue commemorates the 200th birth anniversary [2012] of Charles Dickens.

Our January 2012 issue will feature articles from a feminist perspective: two on British eighteenth-century literature and one on Rama Mehta and the haveli. By Dr. Rachel Tudor, Jemma Hinkly, and Dr. Archana Parashar.