Saturday, December 15, 2012

January 2013 ASEBL Journal online

The editor and editorial board of ASEBL are pleased to announce the publication of the January 2013 issue, available on the St. Francis College website. The table of contents follows.
† Eric Luttrell, “Modest Heroism: Beowulf and Competitive Altruism,” p. 2
† Dena R. Marks, “Secretary of Disorientation: Writing the Circularity of Belief in Elizabeth Costello,” p.11
† Margaret Bertucci Hamper, “’The poor little working girl’: The New Woman, Chloral, and Motherhood in The House of Mirth,” p. 19
† Kristin Mathis, “Moral Courage in The Runaway Jury,” p. 22
William Bamberger, “A Labyrinthine Modesty: On Raymond Roussel and Chiasmus,” p. 24
† St. Francis College Moral Sense Colloquium:
- Program Notes, p. 27
- Kristy L. Biolsi, “What Does it Mean to be a Moral Animal?”, p. 29
- Sophie Berman, “Science sans conscience n’est que ruine de l’âme,” p.36
† Book Reviews:
- Lisa Zunshine, editor, Introduction to Cognitive Cultural Studies. Gregory F. Tague, p. 40
- Edward O. Wilson, The Social Conquest of Earth. Wendy Galgan, p. 42
Contributor Notes, p. 45